Saturday, March 26, 2011

full beds and drama. . .

I bought the bed pictured with no mattress for $30, and the bed pictured with mattress for $65. A man came in a frazzled moment and I gave him change (thinking he gave me a hundred dollars more than he did) and he took it and ran . ..and didn't return my call even though I left him pleading messages about the mistake. He knew and is kind of a mean man, I hope the mattress is more miserable than his morals (which are pretty bad). So I sold the $30 bed with the mattress for $120 rather than $220 and I sold the other bed for $175.


My Secret Life in Lilly said...

As much as your blog made my jaw drop, it made me equally as jealous of your bargain prices! Wow! May sound a little crazy, but what state are you in? I just may have to move!

The Moore Family said...

We are in Phoenix, AZ. . garage sale mecca! You should move. . best deals ever!