Friday, April 29, 2011

Bedroom set makeover!

I bought this set thinking it was just great for $125. Sadly no one else thought it was as great as I did - freakin' chrome. I have shyed away from the refinishing because I don't have the time, but was aching for a project I think. I removed the chrome bar, painted it black($35 in paint), distressed it and stained it. It looks so pretty. Still wasn't getting the bites I wanted, so agreed to sell it for $225. Got a deposit and then she called and said she had wasn't able to get it after all and wanted her deposit back. WHAT? Frustrated, I reposted it and just got $275 for it! Yippeee! I'll have to thank the girl when I give her deposit back. I touched up the headboard since this pic and it looks perfecto.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Wow looks great!